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The Factory of the Future is a Requirement for New Skills and Expertise

what is manufacturer

The manufacturing industry is rapidly changing. This shift requires new skills and cutting-edge expertise. Future factories will be digitally connected, flexible, accountable, and efficient. Manufacturing processes and energy consumption must be optimized, robots and cobotics developed, and traceability must be maintained. A manufacturing engineer is at the forefront. Here are three areas of expertise you will need to be proficient. This article will explain these essential skills and how they impact the future of your sector.

Analyst perspectives

Analyst perspectives provide valuable insights into the future of the industry. They help to understand current trends and assess the industry's competitive dynamics. These insights provide insights into the changing consumer landscape, including attitudes and intentions, as well as purchase behavior. NPD has conducted an annual survey of the industry to get a clear picture of its outlook. The categories forecasted for each industry are different depending on the country. This chapter examines the role played by industry analysts in validating and generating market-based knowledge.

Consumer survey data

Prosper surveys are based on the responses of more than 71,000 adults each month. It is trended and correlated, and includes questions about consumers' emotional state, future plans, and purchasing habits. The archive also contains monthly data over 18 years on hundreds of major retailers. It is the best way to learn about the spending habits and attitudes of consumers in a particular market. Consumer survey data is invaluable for business owners and marketers.

Patterns of industry growth

This chapter examines the growth patterns and characteristics of firms and industries. The development of financial markets in developed countries affects the speed of industry growth. Finance-hungry areas grow faster in countries where there are financial markets. Conversely, sectors that depend on external financing grow faster after periods with high stock market performance. These patterns align with theories related to trade and development. They suggest that the product mix of a country reflects its economic status. Here we discuss the key drivers and trends affecting industry growth.


Gartner estimates that automation will be a major factor in almost every occupation over the next ten years. While only five per cent of occupations can now be fully automated using current technology, many more could have their constituent activities automated. Most occupations are likely to be affected in some fashion, and the nature or job description of these jobs could change. The individual workplace will decide if they become robots or remain human. These are five ways that automation will affect the manufacturing industry.

Hybrid working environment

A company should listen carefully to its employees to ensure a positive workplace environment. This valuable information can be collected through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-1 conversations. Employees can be given performance incentives, such as financial rewards, food delivery, or tokens expressing appreciation. Companies can listen to employees and ensure that the transition to the new environment is smooth. This will create a positive experience for all.

Streaming media

The streaming media sector is a brand new industry and its future is uncertain. Many media conglomerates sell short-term streaming rights to three different services. Although streaming was an emerging market initially, it is poised to become the dominant viewing platform in the next few year. The streaming services should have almost all the media conglomerates' productions by 2025.

Automotive industry

How does the future look for the automotive industry? Many experts believe that it will slowly begin to recover in ten years. Automakers currently face many difficulties. But, connected vehicles and other technologies could offer new income streams. The government can reduce emissions laws. Automobile companies can improve resilience and accelerate R&D. There are many reasons why Automotive could begin to recover slowly over coming decades.


What is the importance of automation in manufacturing?

Automating is not just important for manufacturers, but also for service providers. Automation allows them to deliver services quicker and more efficiently. It reduces human errors and improves productivity, which in turn helps them lower their costs.

What is the role of a manager in manufacturing?

The manufacturing manager should ensure that every manufacturing process is efficient and effective. They should also be aware of any problems within the company and act accordingly.

They should also be able communicate with other departments, such as sales or marketing.

They should be informed about industry trends and be able make use of this information to improve their productivity and efficiency.

What are the 7 Rs of logistics.

The acronym 7Rs of Logistics refers to the seven core principles of logistics management. It was developed and published by the International Association of Business Logisticians in 2004 as part of the "Seven Principles of Logistics Management".

The acronym is composed of the following letters.

  1. Responsible - to ensure that all actions are within the legal requirements and are not detrimental to others.
  2. Reliable - Have confidence in your ability to fulfill all of your commitments.
  3. Be responsible - Use resources efficiently and avoid wasting them.
  4. Realistic - consider all aspects of operations, including cost-effectiveness and environmental impact.
  5. Respectful - Treat people fairly and equitably
  6. You are resourceful and look for ways to save money while increasing productivity.
  7. Recognizable is a company that provides customers with value-added solutions.


  • According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), China is the top manufacturer worldwide by 2019 output, producing 28.7% of the total global manufacturing output, followed by the United States, Japan, Germany, and India.[52][53] (en.wikipedia.org)
  • (2:04) MTO is a production technique wherein products are customized according to customer specifications, and production only starts after an order is received. (oracle.com)
  • You can multiply the result by 100 to get the total percent of monthly overhead. (investopedia.com)
  • In the United States, for example, manufacturing makes up 15% of the economic output. (twi-global.com)
  • [54][55] These are the top 50 countries by the total value of manufacturing output in US dollars for its noted year according to World Bank.[56] (en.wikipedia.org)

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How To

How to Use Just-In-Time Production

Just-in-time is a way to cut costs and increase efficiency in business processes. It is a process where you get the right amount of resources at the right moment when they are needed. This means that only what you use is charged to your account. Frederick Taylor was the first to coin this term. He developed it while working as a foreman during the early 1900s. He noticed that workers were often paid overtime when they had to work late. He realized that workers should have enough time to complete their jobs before they begin work. This would help increase productivity.

JIT is an acronym that means you need to plan ahead so you don’t waste your money. Look at your entire project, from start to end. Make sure you have enough resources in place to deal with any unexpected problems. You can anticipate problems and have enough equipment and people available to fix them. This way you won't be spending more on things that aren’t really needed.

There are many types of JIT methods.

  1. Demand-driven JIT: This is a JIT that allows you to regularly order the parts/materials necessary for your project. This will allow you to track how much material you have left over after using it. You'll also be able to estimate how long it will take to produce more.
  2. Inventory-based: This is a type where you stock the materials required for your projects in advance. This allows you to predict how much you can expect to sell.
  3. Project-driven: This method allows you to set aside enough funds for your project. You will be able to purchase the right amount of materials if you know what you need.
  4. Resource-based JIT : This is probably the most popular type of JIT. You allocate resources based on the demand. You will, for example, assign more staff to deal with large orders. If you don't have many orders, you'll assign fewer people to handle the workload.
  5. Cost-based: This is similar to resource-based, except that here you're not just concerned about how many people you have but how much each person costs.
  6. Price-based: This approach is very similar to the cost-based method except that you don't look at individual workers costs but the total cost of the company.
  7. Material-based: This is quite similar to cost-based, but instead of looking at the total cost of the company, you're concerned with how much raw materials you spend on average.
  8. Time-based JIT is another form of resource-based JIT. Instead of worrying about how much each worker costs, you can focus on how long the project takes.
  9. Quality-based JIT - This is another form of resource-based JIT. Instead of focusing on the cost of each worker or how long it takes, think about how high quality your product is.
  10. Value-based JIT : This is the newest type of JIT. In this instance, you are not concerned about the product's performance or meeting customer expectations. Instead, your goal is to add value to the market.
  11. Stock-based: This stock-based method focuses on the actual quantity of products being made at any given time. This method is useful when you want to increase production while decreasing inventory.
  12. Just-in-time (JIT) planning: This is a combination of JIT and supply chain management. It refers to the process of scheduling the delivery of components as soon as they are ordered. It's important as it reduces leadtimes and increases throughput.


The Factory of the Future is a Requirement for New Skills and Expertise