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The Benefits and Challenges of Global Supply Chain Management

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Global supply-chain Management is the term used to describe the distribution of goods and/or services across a transnational company's global network. The key concept is to maximize profit while minimizing waste. This distribution method has many advantages, but there are also drawbacks. Let's explore some of these issues. Find out more about global supply management. We'll also discuss some of the challenges associated with global supply chains.


As an effective global supply chain manager, it is crucial to build a strategy that promotes resilience. Redesigning the supply chain, eliminating redundant workers, and implementing multiple sources can all help to increase the supply chain's resilience. Although supply chains may seem rigid in the short term they can become more resilient with constant vigilance. One inventory management software provider, Cin7, has helped its users to build resilience in their supply chains by publishing various educational materials and advice.

Information sharing

Although it may seem unclear what the role of information sharing is in global supply chain management, it is crucial for the survival of businesses. This study explores the ways in which information sharing can benefit multiple parties within a supply chain. Information sharing can have many benefits. These benefits may differ depending upon the type of information that is shared. In general, the value of information varies depending on the parties involved. Here are some examples to illustrate the benefits of information for supply chains.

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Quality management

Quality issues are an essential part of any supply-chain. Quality issues must be addressed. Companies should not only focus on quality but also address secondary issues. This will ensure that the supply chain is risk-free. This article will cover the role and importance of quality management for global supply chain management. This article will also discuss how business systems may fail to meet the challenge. Let's explore some ways that companies can overcome these challenges and implement more effective quality management practices.

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The needs of businesses change as consumers' preferences and demands evolve. The global supply network is a complex collection of companies, suppliers, and individuals that work together in order to deliver goods at the right time and the right place. Logistics plays a crucial role in global supply chains management. This helps companies to reduce costs and improve performance. In addition to businesses, supply chains include vendors, producers, warehouses, transportation companies, distribution centers, retailers, and more.

Pandemic of COVID-19

Global supply chain management will be essential in order to manage the huge COVID-19 outbreak. Global supply chains are crucial to emergency response efforts and supplying critical supplies on time. Other issues have strained the global supply chains, such as China's ongoing lockdown and economic uncertainty. This pandemic is testing supply chain flexibility and resilience. Companies will be judged on not only their response but also their corporate values after this crisis.

Impact on the Economy

The global economy is dependent on the management of its supply chains. As more manufacturers switch to JIT (just-in-time) production, they are increasingly dependent on a single source for vital supplies. However, JIT production models have a large drawback: they make companies vulnerable to disruptions in their supply chains. According to a survey, nearly half of executives want to reduce production from China and one third plan to decrease the importance of JIT manufacturing.

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Opportunities for career advancement

Global supply chains managers oversee all aspects a business's international purchasing strategy. They oversee the logistics of inventory and collaborate with suppliers to ensure high-quality products. They monitor the supply chain performance and analyze the data. This role requires collaboration with many departments within a company. Below are some career options available to people with this experience. All of them provide valuable career benefits.


What is the role of a production manager?

Production planners ensure all aspects of the project are delivered within time and budget. They also ensure the quality of the product and service meets the client's requirements.

Why should you automate your warehouse?

Automation has become increasingly important in modern warehousing. The rise of e-commerce has led to increased demand for faster delivery times and more efficient processes.

Warehouses have to be flexible to meet changing requirements. They must invest heavily in technology to do this. Automating warehouses has many benefits. Here are some of the reasons automation is worth your investment:

  • Increases throughput/productivity
  • Reduces errors
  • Increases accuracy
  • Safety is boosted
  • Eliminates bottlenecks
  • Companies can scale up more easily
  • Increases efficiency of workers
  • Gives you visibility into all that is happening in your warehouse
  • Enhances customer experience
  • Improves employee satisfaction
  • Minimizes downtime and increases uptime
  • Quality products delivered on time
  • Removes human error
  • Helps ensure compliance with regulations

What is the responsibility for a logistics manager

A logistics manager makes sure that all goods are delivered on-time and in good condition. This is achieved by using their knowledge and experience with the products of the company. He/she should ensure that sufficient stock is available in order to meet customer demand.

What is meant by manufacturing industries?

Manufacturing Industries are companies that manufacture products. Consumers are people who purchase these goods. This is accomplished by using a variety of processes, including production, distribution and retailing. They manufacture goods from raw materials using machines and other equipment. This includes all types if manufactured goods.

What are the 7 R's of logistics?

The 7R's of Logistics is an acronym for the seven basic principles of logistics management. It was created by the International Association of Business Logisticians and published in 2004 under its "Seven Principles of Logistics Management".

The following letters make up the acronym:

  1. Responsible – ensure that all actions are legal and don't cause harm to anyone else.
  2. Reliable – have faith in your ability and capability to keep promises.
  3. It is reasonable to use resources efficiently and not waste them.
  4. Realistic - Consider all aspects of operations, including environmental impact and cost effectiveness.
  5. Respectful - Treat people fairly and equitably
  6. You are resourceful and look for ways to save money while increasing productivity.
  7. Recognizable - provide customers with value-added services.


  • Job #1 is delivering the ordered product according to specifications: color, size, brand, and quantity. (netsuite.com)
  • (2:04) MTO is a production technique wherein products are customized according to customer specifications, and production only starts after an order is received. (oracle.com)
  • Many factories witnessed a 30% increase in output due to the shift to electric motors. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • In the United States, for example, manufacturing makes up 15% of the economic output. (twi-global.com)
  • According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), China is the top manufacturer worldwide by 2019 output, producing 28.7% of the total global manufacturing output, followed by the United States, Japan, Germany, and India.[52][53] (en.wikipedia.org)

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How To

How to Use the Just-In-Time Method in Production

Just-intime (JIT), a method used to lower costs and improve efficiency in business processes, is called just-in-time. It's the process of obtaining the right amount and timing of resources when you need them. This means you only pay what you use. Frederick Taylor, a 1900s foreman, first coined the term. After observing how workers were paid overtime for late work, he realized that overtime was a common practice. He then concluded that if he could ensure that workers had enough time to do their job before starting to work, this would improve productivity.

The idea behind JIT is that you should plan ahead and have everything ready so you don't waste money. It is important to look at your entire project from beginning to end and ensure that you have enough resources to handle any issues that may arise. If you anticipate that there might be problems, you'll have enough people and equipment to fix them. This way you won't be spending more on things that aren’t really needed.

There are several types of JIT techniques:

  1. Demand-driven: This JIT is where you place regular orders for the parts/materials that are needed for your project. This will allow you to track how much material you have left over after using it. It will also allow you to predict how long it takes to produce more.
  2. Inventory-based: You stock materials in advance to make your projects easier. This allows you predict the amount you can expect to sell.
  3. Project-driven: This is an approach where you set aside enough funds to cover the cost of your project. You will be able to purchase the right amount of materials if you know what you need.
  4. Resource-based JIT: This is the most popular form of JIT. Here you can allocate certain resources based purely on demand. You might assign more people to help with orders if there are many. If there aren't many orders, you will assign fewer people.
  5. Cost-based: This approach is very similar to resource-based. However, you don't just care about the number of people you have; you also need to consider how much each person will cost.
  6. Price-based: This is very similar to cost-based, except that instead of looking at how much each individual worker costs, you look at the overall price of the company.
  7. Material-based: This is quite similar to cost-based, but instead of looking at the total cost of the company, you're concerned with how much raw materials you spend on average.
  8. Time-based JIT is another form of resource-based JIT. Instead of focusing on how much each employee costs, you focus on how long it takes to complete the project.
  9. Quality-based JIT: This is another variation of resource based JIT. Instead of thinking about how much each employee costs or how long it takes to manufacture something, you think about how good the quality of your product is.
  10. Value-based JIT: This is the latest form of JIT. In this scenario, you're not concerned about how products perform or whether customers expect them to meet their expectations. Instead, you are focused on adding value to the marketplace.
  11. Stock-based is an inventory-based system that measures the number of items produced at any given moment. It's useful when you want maximum production and minimal inventory.
  12. Just-intime (JIT), planning is a combination JIT management and supply chain management. It is the process that schedules the delivery of components within a short time of their order. It's important as it reduces leadtimes and increases throughput.


The Benefits and Challenges of Global Supply Chain Management